Hello again, Its December 4th and I have great news. Succes atlast. I went back to the same spot I was in all week. I just knew a buck had to come through sooner or later. It was pretty cold and I had to put on all of my insulated gear that I brought along. To keep from moving to stay warm.
I didn't see anything all morning and then I heard a crash in the leaves to my right and wouldn't you know. It was a legal buck it had a small rack but I was exhausted from getting up early every day since the beginning of November for archery. Which proved very helpful in finding more deer than I had before the season.
Since I was not looking forward to another week of getting up a 4:30 am I decided that if I get a clean shot I would take it. I leaned on the tree I was sitting at to steady my rifle and found the deer in the scop. He stood still for a moment and I fired knowing it was going to be a definite kill shot. He walked forward after he heard the rifle fire and then I heard the crash is the leaves as he fell down.
Success at last it believe it is true that good things don't come easy and finally bagging this buck was reward for a month and a half of hard work.
Next post will be getting it out of the woods and going to the butcher for processing. This
whitetail hunting site has great points on how not to get ripped off at the butcher.
Until then Happy Hunting. Deerseeker