Archery hunting Season Closes Locally
Here in Pa. deer hunting another archery season has come to a close and even though I did not bag a buck it was far from a waste of time. I was able to collect very valuable information that will be useful in the upcoming antlered deer season for rifle. I located 10 different bucks in my hunting area they just never presented me with a sure kill shot.
Don't get me wrong I would rather take a deer in the bow season since it destroys less meat and is just a much more fulfilling expierience. I will start with posts everyday I hunt in the next 2 weeks starting on Nov. 27 and keep everyone up to date with the hunting adventures of Deerseeker.
If you would like to learn my methods and how I located 10 different bucks in 3 weeks check out my hunting site at it will provide you with all of my tactics and strategies that have proven extremely successful over my past 20 years of whitetail deer hunting primarily with a bow. Let me know how the hunting is going in your state. Check back on the 27th for the next post.